Monday, October 26, 2020


Young People: When Would You Want to Know? :: By Rob Pue 

My heart is very grieved for the younger generation. I see so many that are so angry — and even filled with rage. So many living in anguish, confusion, and fear. Our children and young adults are being fed lies by just about every institution in our nation, and there are ravenous wolves out there, hungry for the hearts, minds, blood and souls of our young people. I should add their BODIES as well, as the sexualization and exploitation of children and young adults have become sickeningly “normalized.”

I hate what our culture has done to our young people. We’ve allowed them to be brainwashed with lies, including the lie that the best they can hope for in this life is to indulge all their carnal, hedonistic desires with an attitude of “entitlement.” No limits, no rules, no right, no wrong. Everything is “relative,” and everyone gets a “trophy” simply for existing.

I’m hoping to reach some of the young people out there with this message, those who are feeling lost, disconnected, without purpose and ANGRY. I’m under no delusion that the kids and young adults I want to reach will be listening to this message on a Christian radio station, and certainly, the chances of them taking the time to READ this message on the internet or in print are next to zero. I know that. But, young people: my hope is that someone who loves you WILL — and will take the time to share this information with you. You see, they LOVE you; they care so deeply for your life and your soul. And they know that something has gone terribly wrong in the world, and you have become a victim of it. You’ve been lied to, tricked and trapped, and you need to know the truth that will free you.

Most likely, you won’t listen to those who love you. You don’t care what they have to say. You think they don’t know you and don’t understand you — or modern life or what you deal with, struggle with and go through on a daily basis. They may have done their best but failed, or maybe they haven’t even tried to maintain a close, personal relationship with you, so how DARE they try to suddenly insert themselves into your private affairs and “fix” you?! You don’t think you NEED “fixing,” and you certainly don’t want to discuss personal things with THEM, especially if they’re going to challenge or question everything you believe. For some reason you’re not quite sure of, you’re ANGRY, very angry. But if you won’t listen to them, maybe you’ll listen to me, a stranger. Just give me a chance and hear me out. That’s all I ask.

Allow me to ask a couple of questions. First, if what you THOUGHT you knew about life and the world turned out to be WRONG… WHEN would you want to know? Think about that. If what you THOUGHT you knew was WRONG… WHEN would YOU want to know?

Secondly, whether you’re 27, 17 or 10 years old, I assume you know someone younger than yourself. Perhaps a younger brother, sister or cousin. If you’re 27, let me ask you this: do you think you’re just a little smarter, a little more “educated” and “enlightened” than you were when you were 17? And if you’re 17, do you think you know a little bit more about life than you did when you were 10? And if you’re 10, do you think just maybe you’ve “been around” a little longer and learned a few more things than your 2-year-old baby sister?

I’m asking you to give me a chance here and try to hear what I’m about to share with you. Because I’m QUITE A BIT OLDER than all of you, and if you’re so much wiser than your counterparts who are 8 or 10 years younger than you, consider for a moment that I just MAY have learned a few things since I was 10, 17 or 27… things that you’re not aware of yet.

You can write me off as a right-wing crackpot if you like, but I just ask that you hear me out before you plug your ears or shout me down. Young people want their voices heard; we all want our voices heard. Will you give ME the same consideration that you value so highly for yourself? The same consideration that you SAY all people should receive? Or will you be a hypocrite?

Young people are very idealistic, and that’s a good thing. They want to make the world a better place. They want to do away with injustice. They want to right the things that are wrong. They want to live in a world where the underdog gets a shot at success, where the bullies are punished, and where the “good guys” win and the “bad guys” get what’s coming to them. But… don’t we ALL want that? Of course we do. It makes no difference how old you are. Everyone wants justice, equality and fairness.

But as I watch the world around me today, I’m sickened by what I’m seeing. I’m seeing young people being exploited and blatantly lied to — and brainwashed into “useful idiots” — eagerly doing the bidding of those pulling the strings in a sinister, wicked, evil agenda. And MY generation has largely stood by silently and let it all happen. For the most part, we’ve said nothing as things have deteriorated in our culture. In some cases, we even participated in the deterioration. Shame on US.

First of all, young people, understand this: there are sinister, evil, wicked forces out there, and YOU are their most valued target. The mask they wear gives the impression that they’re working for “good,” but nothing could be further from the truth because they’re straight from the pits of hell…. and they’re working HARD to brainwash you. Yes, you have been LIED to by almost every institution there is.

We’re at a place in America — and the world — now, where everything has become vulgar, perverse and twisted. Walk the hallways of any public school between classes and you’ll hear the most foul, vulgar language coming from the mouths of babes who think they’re more “grown up” because they can swear. Just like their “music” idols. The majority of what passes for “pop” music today is an abomination, and it’s FILLED with sexist, racist, degrading “lyrics.” And while young people CLAIM to be against such awful things, they have no problem dancing and singing along to the pounding beat of their favorite “rapper” while he (or she) spews vulgarity and everything they claim to be against. THAT’S the brainwashing, guys. It’s no wonder so many today can’t speak a single sentence without dropping 15 “F-bombs.”

In our places of so-called “higher learning,” civil discourse is no longer allowed. If you don’t hold to a Leftist, liberal agenda, you’re shouted down, chased out, your voice NOT welcome.

A few years ago, they came out with a thing called “micro-aggressions” on high school and college campuses. These are “crimes” students MIGHT commit by inadvertently saying or doing something that could possibly be construed as sexist, racist or somehow otherwise offensive. Examples of “micro-aggressions” could be holding a door for a young lady (because that would be considered misogynistic and sexist). Or a white person having the NERVE to point out that it’s the content of one’s character that matters, not the color of one’s skin (because that would be considered “racist”). Conservative speakers are not allowed on college campuses anymore; they’re literally “run out of town” — some have even been physically beaten up.

So much for freedom of speech, diversity of opinion and civil debate. THAT’S the brainwashing.

There’s been a spiritual war — a spiritual battle — raging since the beginning of time between the forces of good and the forces of evil. The forces of light versus the forces of darkness. God versus Satan. As a created being, Satan has NO power except that which God, our CREATOR, ALLOWS him to have. But for a time, he has been granted power over the earth. And he — and his minions, including demons and the PEOPLE who have rejected God, rebel against God and despise God — are working HARD to lie, steal, kill, confuse, and ultimately destroy our young people. Young people are the greatest prize because they’re the future. Brainwash a person from the earliest of childhood, and they’ll become a “useful idiot” and willing slave to the demonic agenda for life.

Thus, we have the push now for what they CALL “sexual freedom” — but it’s not freedom; it’s a perversion, an abomination, and absolutely unnatural. The LGBTQP+ agenda has wormed its way into the schools, colleges, Hollywood movies, pop music, sports, government, and even churches. Under the guise of “equality” and using phrases like “love is love,” and “love wins,” they’ve managed to brainwash perfectly healthy minds into believing abominable lies. Homosexuality — or more properly stated — SODOMY, is NOT normal; it’s absolutely unnatural. And it has nothing to do with genuine LOVE. Yet it’s not only accepted, but TAUGHT now, in our schools, and even celebrated in some of our churches.

How did we arrive at this point? By renaming it, by reframing it so it sounds better. No longer do we call it “sodomy.” Now we call it “gay.” But let’s shine the light of truth on what we’re REALLY talking about here. We’re not talking about Bobby and Timmy living together and “identifying” in whatever sexual role they freely choose. We’re talking about a man inserting his sexual organ into the rectum of another man. Sorry to be so blunt. But that’s what sodomy IS, and it’s time we called it what it IS.

Today, our young people are encouraged to “experiment,” as groups like Planned Parenthood have overtaken the “sex education” classes in our public schools. So sodomy (and now “transgenderism”) is actually being PUSHED on our young people — do you wonder why so many, now, are “coming out” as “gay” or “trans?” It’s the brainwashing. It’s the lies they’ve been taught to not only accept, but consider and try out for themselves. It’s wicked.

Equally wicked is the fact that there are those now pushing for the legalization, acceptance and celebration of pedophilia. We’re talking about child abuse, child rape, child sex trafficking… and they’re no longer even trying to hide that anymore. And the young people are (once again) the victims, as they seek to emulate their pop music idols, singing and dancing along to filthy “songs” that reduce a beautiful, sacred relationship between a husband and wife to nothing more than a hedonistic, animalistic act. That’s the culture our young people are growing up in.

And when a baby is conceived, they’ve been taught to be PROUD to have an abortion. “Shout your abortion,” they say. More lies. More brainwashing. Those wielding the agenda HIDE the fact that an abortion is actually the BEHEADING and dismemberment of a REAL, LIVE human BABY. Instead, they “reframe” it to “sound good,” if such a thing were possible. They call it “women’s healthcare” and “female empowerment.” Let’s call it what it is: it’s murder.

The devil is REAL, folks. Now, we’re seeing our young people being used as pawns by groups like ANTIFA and “Black Lives Matter.” Again, more lies. After YEARS of indoctrination by government schools and colleges, with history rewritten and TRUTH erased, we now have young people growing up hating their own country and their own heritage. We now have white kids who are so confused and upset, they hate THEMSELVES just because they’re white. And so they do what they’ve been trained to do: they RAGE.

So now we have young people rioting in the streets, burning down their own cities, tearing down historical monuments and statues celebrating our history and those who fought for their freedom. “ANTIFA” is supposed to stand for “anti-fascist.” But if you take even a moment to THINK critically and investigate, you’ll see there is no more fascist group in the world than ANTIFA. “Black Lives Matter” is supposed to support black people. But again, if you do even a minimal amount of research into their true goals and agenda, you’ll find it’s just more lies and brainwashing. Can you name ONE THING that BLM has done to positively impact black communities? I’ll wait. But you see, you can’t — because like their father, the devil, all they do — all they PLAN to do — is kill, steal and destroy.

The goal of both of these groups is the same: to destroy America and turn it into a Marxist, Socialist, Communist nation.

But the lies and brainwashing are so heavy on our young people, they THINK that’s a “good” thing! Friends, ANTIFA is NOT “anti-fascist.” They want complete control, totalitarian rule. So if you’re a young person and one of their minions, know this: you are NOT fighting for freedom. You’re fighting for your own enslavement. The same is true of BLM. If Black Lives Matter (and of course they DO), then ALL black lives should matter — especially the most innocent and vulnerable among them: unborn babies.

But you know, ALL lives do TRULY matter. You may not realize it, but you’ve been trained to HATE. Instead of being “inclusive” or “diverse” like they told you you’d be, you’ve become filled with rage, and the most intolerant of all. Instead of bringing about justice and righteousness, you’ve become bigoted, racist bullies. You won’t tolerate hearing the truth. You will not tolerate anything that goes against what they’ve trained you to think. WAKE UP!

Young people, if you want freedom, if you want justice, if you want GOOD rather than evil in this world, you MUST do away with the brainwashing and challenge yourself to study and learn on your own. In order to be successful, you have to FORCE yourself to learn the things you don’t want to learn — the things that go against all that you’ve been taught by your teachers, by pop culture, and by simply living in this fallen world full of lies.

Finally, know THIS: there IS a God who created you. He created you with value and purpose, and you’re living at this EXACT point in time FOR that purpose… you can either go along with the crowd, or you can be “counter-cultural.” You can either be like everyone else your age, or you can STAND OUT from the crowd and be one of God’s heroes in this End- Times spiritual battle — and save not just lives, but SOULS currently bound for hell.

No interest in God? That’s the saddest thing I’ve heard yet. I wouldn’t have thought that YOU would give up so easily and let the enemy of your soul just “take” you. You’re smarter than that. Think for yourself instead of following the lies you’ve been taught. Never opened a Bible? Do it. If you TRULY seek God, He WILL reveal Himself to you. Check it out and see if I’m right or wrong. Let me ask you again: if what you THOUGHT you knew turned out to be wrong, WHEN would you want to know?

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Sunday, October 4, 2020


All we like sheep have gone astray

Isaiah 53, The suffering Servant. I have read this chapter in the Old Testament many times. I get chills thinking how accurately Isaiah prophesied the coming Messiah so long before the Lord came to this earth. But last night it was different. As I read the words, an overwhelming sense of guilt and shame came apun me. Suddenly, this wasn't just an amazing OT prophecy, it was a testament to my guilt and shame. Verse 6 says All we like sheep have gone astray; We have turned, every one, to his own way; And the LORD has laid on Him the iniquity of us all. Yes, my iniquity was laid on Him. The innocent punished and sacrificed for the guilty. You see, it became more real and more clear to me than ever before. I put Him there. Every curse word, every nasty movie, every satanic song, every adulterous thought, everything I ever stole, every lie, and on and on. This is what my Lord suffered and died for. I may as well have been holding the hammer.
The Lord has been dealing with my heart the last few weeks and He has made me realize how truly wretched I am. I think reading this chapter in Isaiah last night was no coincidence. Maybe I wasn't ready to honestly accept the truth until now. All of the things I have done in Christian "liberty" are the very same things that nailed my Savior to the cross. My entertainment and pleasures cost my Savior His life. I heard Paul Washer say in a sermon one time the people living in the Bible belt of America, know just enough about Christianity to send themselves straight to hell. I didn't really know what he meant. Now it is crystal clear. You see, true Christianity has been replaced by churchianity in my opinion. We are taught that going to church and paying our tithes while being a "good" person will get us to Heaven. Yes, before you even start, We are told we must accept Jesus into our hearts to be saved. If you've said that sinners prayer, welcome to the family! I totally agree with Paul Washer that that single "prayer" is going to send more people to hell than all the bars, drugs, and brothels in this country combined. I know you're asking how can I possibly say that? The Bible clearly says if you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that you will be saved. This is true. However, most peoples confession is worthless. Jeremiah says the heart is wicked and deceitful among all things, who can know it? Do you see where I'm going here? Your profession means nothing. The evidence of salvation will come from a renewed spirit. If You truly love the Lord your life will show it. You will love what He loves and hate what He hates. Many of you who know me may be saying I'm a hypocrite right about now. I will agree, up until just days ago you would have been correct. I can say these things because I have lived it. I have sat at a bar in Myrtle Beach drinking a beer telling someone I had just met how I was a Christian. I have been to J Michaels in Florence, where I sat and drank beer eating wings thinking this is so much fun. Hypocrite! Yes, that was me. Claiming to love my Lord and spitting in His face at the same time. I was living proof of the new religion of churchianity. Praise be to the glory of God that He opened my eyes. I praise Him for showing me I was only pretending. I read somewhere recently that said if satan can convince you that you aren't saved, then couldn't he also convince you that you are? Oh you who read this ask yourself that question. Do you love the Lord, or do you just love yourself? Do you love your sin too much to give it up? Do you say things like "I'm only human" or "nobody's perfect"? Do you use these saying to justify trampling in the blood of our Savior? Most southerners are taught to believe that these "little" sins they indulge in will only cost them some rewards in Heaven. I tell you, if this is you, do not find it shocking when you hear these words: “
Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’ You see Jesus makes it clear that: wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. 14 Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it. Few will find this narrow gate. If you live your life in willful unrepentant sin, though you call Jesus Lord, you will not enter the gates of Heaven. It's not too late to change. If I can, anyone can. Don't continue living a lie. Don't be deceived that Jesus accepts just any old thing. He gave His life for us, and in return we must give our life to Him. Jesus asks the question in Luke 6:46: “But why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do the things which I say? Easy answer. You don't know Him. You give good lip service, but your heart is far away. Turn away from sin and throw yourself at Jesus' feet before it's too late. Stop playing church and find your Savior. Put away the mess of this fallen world and set your mind on eternity. Pray that God will be mercifull and remove the scales from your eyes that you may see the truth and be set free. Don't be a slave to sin. Examine your life with the Word of God to see if you're in the faith. Just because you say you're something doesn't mean you really are. Luke 9:23 Then He said to them all, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me. 24 For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will save it. 25 For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and is himself destroyed or lost? 26 For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words, of him the Son of Man will be ashamed when He comes in His own glory, and in His Father’s, and of the holy angels. Throw down the things that you lust after in this world and pick up your cross. Time is running out. We are in the final minutes of time as we know it. Revelation 22: 12 “And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work. 13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last.”
14 Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city. 15 But outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie.
“I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things in the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, the Bright and Morning Star.”
17 And the Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let him who hears say, “Come!” And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely.
Notice the end of verse 15 where it says "whoever loves and practices a lie". I beg anyone who reads this to be sure they are not living and believing a lie. Don't worship a false god contrived in your mind to suit your lifestyle. Seek the true and living God of the Bible. In Him alone can you be saved. Thank you Lord Jesus for opening my eyes.



Politics and Jesus.....They don't mix

All of you who know me know that I am passionate about politics and the direction which this nation is headed. However, after listening to pastor Loran Livingston last night, I have seen the error and folly of my ways. He made a point in his sermon that I apparently must have missed. When I was saved, Jesus made my life and priorities very simple. My life was to no longer be dictated by the wicked ways of this world, but rather to be focused completely on the cross of Jesus Christ. How could I not realize this? Look at 2 Timothy 2 starting with verse 3:" You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. 4 No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier. " Paul tells Timothy that he must endure the hardship of being a soldier for Jesus Christ. So what was he saying? Storm the gates of Caesar's palace and demand the government to give equal rights to all and free healthcare? No. Jesus told us to go out and spread the gospel to all nations. He told us to help the poor. He commanded us to look out for the orphans and the widows. Never once did Jesus demand anything from the government. In fact, I believe about the only thing Jesus said about government was to render unto Caesar what is Caesars. So how did I (we) get so off track? I believe it comes from the American philosophy of intertwining patriotism and Godliness. This is nothing short of blasphemy. Mixing that which is Holy with that which is profane.

When we choose sides, someone gets left out. If we choose Republicans, then the Democrats get left out, and vice versa. So when the church chooses one, it alienates the other. How then can we reach those whom we "left out" when they feel we have an agenda against them? I have always been a self admitted homophobe. I think homosexuallity is a nasty, disgusting, abomination to the Lord. However, if I were to refuse to witness to a homosexual, how would he or she ever know the love of Christ and be given the chance to repent? This is to my shame. It's easy to forget to love the sinner, and hate the sin. God was merciful enough to save me, but yet I look down my nose at another human being that doesn't suit my taste and think God is not merciful enough to do the same for them? What hypocrisy! We can never look down our noses at anyone. I see this now, and I also realize how easy it is to forget just how nasty and perverse my own sin was before God until He had mercy on me.  You see, the church can not take sides. We as Christians can not take sides. We have been given an order and our order is to preach the Word, to preach the cross to a lost and dieing world. We can't afford to get tangled up in the affairs of this world. We are not of this world. We should set and keep our minds on Godly things and shun the evil distractions of this age. I am ashamed to think of all the time I've wasted huffing and puffing over the way things are going in our culture. I must realize that God did not call us to save America. God did not call us to raise up conservative politicians. God did not call us to be in the snare of politics created by the depravity of man. No, God commissioned us to go out and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. To bring the good news to the ends of the earth so that men could be saved! We must remember this world and all that is in it is passing away. We will not be able to save it, but we are able to bring the knowledge of saving grace to people dead in their sins. I do believe as Christians we must vote and stand against evil, but not in the way of political activity. We must remember that we are not of this world. We can never take our eyes off of Christ, for when we do, we begin to slip and fall. Jesus never promised us life would be easy. We must train our children up in the truth of the Lord. We must boldly proclaim the Gospel to all who will hear. Most of all, we must put our faith in the one who is able to deliver us, the Lord Jesus Christ. We must keep our eyes on the prize, and continually do the work of our Heavenly Father. We can't afford to take our eyes away from Jesus even for a moment. Remember, He didn't call us to rally at TEA parties or to gush and swoon over elected officials. He called us to be light and salt in a dark and tasteless world. If we forget that Jesus died for all...white,black,yellow,red,asian,european,african,american,muslim,buddhist,hindu,tao,jew,straigt,gay and on....Then we loose that light and our salt becomes tasteless. Jesus said to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. Who is our neighbor? Everyone. How can we love our neighbor if we hold any preconceived prejudices against him? We must search out our hearts and put away the garbage instilled by worldly thinking. This is hard to do, but it can and must be done. So tell me, do you believe Jesus would be a democrat or a republican? If you were to answer either or, you need to fall on your face and repent before God of your carnal spirit. If, however, you see the utter foolishness of such a  question, then you should realize that as a professing Christian, when you wave your political flags that you are making Jesus appear as one or the other. Even if it is not your intention, remember the world sees you as a  Christian first, and will always look for ways to condemn you. If you are seen showing any partiality, then you just destroyed any chance of being a witness to someone on the other side of the political fence. Remember, we are children of the the risen King. Our battles are not against flesh, but powers and principalities of darkness. We are to be a witness for Jesus. We are residents of the Kingdom of God, and it is for this Kingdom that we should always be campaigning.


Saturday, July 27, 2019

Just say this little prayer

How many times have you heard a preacher say at the end of a sermon to "Just say this little prayer, and invite Jesus into your heart"? You know the one, the so called sinner's prayer. Confess you're a sinner and accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Boom! Welcome to the Christian family! You were just saved and on your way to Heaven! Or were you? Now before I go any farther, I have no doubt many who have said that prayer were indeed saved. But I also have no doubt that many who said it left with a false sense of eternal security and will/have bust/ed hell wide open. Why would I say that? Let's discuss...
First of all, Jesus doesn't need our acceptance. It's actually just the opposite, we need His. Jesus is Lord over all. He will judge every man that has ever lived, whether they believed in Him or not. Also, we don't need to invite Jesus into our hearts, we need Him to change our hearts. To confess we are sinners is a good start, but by definition the word confess means to acknowledge or admit. So by confessing, we admit what God already knows. Confession is good, but if not followed by repentance, then it's of no consequence. A personal example would be like me confessing that I am a procrastinator. I admit it! Guilty as charged, just ask my wife. I wish I wasn't, but I don't lose a lot of sleep over it. So you see, even though I confess, I'm not terribly concerned with changing my way about it. Words mean nothing if a change in the way you act, talk, the people you hang out with, the places you go, the shows you watch, the way you live,etc. remain the same. In other words, if there is no change, you're most likely a false convert.

Secondly, this prayer is found nowhere in the Bible. Jesus taught of Godly repentance. John 3:3 Jesus answered him, Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.” So we must come to Jesus in repentance and faith. We truly have to be born again. Jesus said we will be known by our fruits. How many so called Christians are producing wormy fruit? I'm to my shame guilty of this myself. That's why I strive everyday to be closer to my Lord and Savior. There is nothing good in me, I must lean on Christ daily. Even then the old man is ever present. I just wonder how many people have went to an alter, whispered that little prayer, got up thinking their eternal security was locked in never to come back to church again? My heart shutters at the thought of them or anyone for that matter hearing these words 

Matthew 7:21-23 21 Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’

Paul say in Romans 10 "that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation."

This does not contradict repentance. In fact, if you truly believe, your heart will be grieved to repentance just knowing what Christ suffered for you. To truly believe is to be changed. One simply can not continue to live in sin if the Holy Spirit dwells within him.