But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world. Look upon the cross with the eyes of your spirit. See the marred face and the horror of that bloody mess. Resist the temptation to succumb solely to sentimentality or saccharine feelings of pity. But do welcome passion and emotion and even unspeakable pathos. But look deeper and with penetrating discernment and personal reflection. Look and find you, both then and now. Look until you see your raison d’etre.
This crucifixion must be our reason for being and our motivation for living.
You see, how easy and worthless we have made the Christian experience and the walk of faith? How can we 2000 years later incorperate that crucifixion in our lives? Sure we see the love, the sacrifice, and the redemption, but what is at its core that God desires from us? Our walk of faith centers around money, the family, morality, nationalism, music, Christian books, theology, and even missions. But God’s walk of faith, and the exclusive point of glory for the Apostle Paul, is the cross. Our journey walks on feet; His walks on nails.
We have been called to die. Macabre to some; freedom and glory for those who follow Him.
Written by Rick Frueh
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