Written by Pastor Rick Frueh (Following Judah's Lion)
What Would Jesus Do?
Would Jesus demean and castigate lost sinners?
Would Jesus become one of many political participants?
Would Jesus feed dogs before He fed hungry children?
Would Jesus approve of coarse language coming from His followers?
Would Jesus endorse capitalism?
Would Jesus kill people to protect an earthly government?
Would Jesus attack and denounce those He said He came to seek and save?
Would Jesus seek the applause of those who agreed with Him?
Would Jesus have a large wardrobe?
Would Jesus save large amounts of money for His retirement?
Would Jesus endorse profiting from writing books about His book?
Would Jesus hire a well paid staff?
Would Jesus construct a one hour worship time?
Would Jesus live consistently without tears for lost sinners?
Would Jesus offer redemption or condemnation?
Would Jesus be pleased as many missionaries are barely supported while the western church lives in comparable luxury?
Would Jesus be content with a lukewarm, hedonistic, and culturally comfortable band of people who claim to be following Him?
What would Jesus do?
I have my thoughts...
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