Monday, November 22, 2010

Storm Warning and a Picnic?

From raptureorwrath
Getting ready to hit the hay ....on a normal work week night flipping the channels and finding Hal Lindsey is on and as he was going through the litany of warning signs hit me and not to criticize his ministry in the least (thank God for him) but....
How can He and WE be hearing and seeing the signs that are BLARING loud and clear to "Look Up Your Redeemer draws Near"
not be desperate in brokenness to reach those who are perilously close to facing a time of STORMS that will make Haiti look common place, that will render The Asian Tsunami that killed 230,000 people, a distant memory, that will forever erase 9/11 and Katrina from our focus....a time that unless God shortened the days NO FLESH WILL SURVIVE
Plagues that will wipe out 1/4 of mankind, Nuclear Holocaust, Human cruelty that will defy description, Hail stones stated to weigh a 100lb pounds crashing upon the homes and lives of neighbors, co-worker's, FAMILY MEMBERS who have NOT HEARD the Warnings!!!
So many pulpits are tickling ears at a time Pastor's should be in the deepest travail ...crying out for people to "make ready" to me it would be like someone watching the News and hearing an F5 Tornado or Hurricane or Volcano or Earthquake was getting ready to happen but instead of crying out ..they are planning a picnic. Seriously ...get a picture of that..You are sitting in your house, The TV Blares...SEVERE WEATHER REPORT....A TORNADO WARNING HAS BEEN ISSUED FOR YOUR COUNTY.....but at the same time your getting a call from a local pastor or church member who's getting ready to have a picnic. Please hear the heart of this's NOT to condemn or point fingers!!!! but to stir an Urgency to sound the alarm to your friends and family while their is still TIME!
In 2 Peter 3....Peter said through divine inspiration that in the last days.."Mocker's would arise saying "Where is the promise of His coming?" If we are not preparing with the greatest of Urgency ...are we not saying in our own hearts..."where is the promise of His coming?"
Are we living today "in light of Eternity" or in our hearts are we "scoffing?" I'm praying myself for God to season me with His brokenness...and you too!!!
If you are reading this thread and you happen to be a pastor, or your a believer and you know family and friends who Don't know Jesus and You KNOW they are headed toward this disaster time known as The Great Tribulation. Don't be a scoffer at heart and say "where is the promise of His Coming" instead take out a note pad or sit down at your computer and begin to write a heart felt letter that you've been meaning to write..Pastor, don't google this sunday's sermon....Get away into your prayer closet and cry out for boldness and truly preach as if there is NO TOMORROW!
To assume otherwise is to assume something that was never promised.
I'm not talking about "bible bashing" I'm talking about sharing the gospel with an URGENCY and BROKENNESS
Jude said it this way: 22 And on some have compassion, making a distinction; 23 but others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire, hating even the garment defiled by the flesh.
Something the early Church lived with was IMMINENCY....we've lost that and need to have it revived in us to realize His Coming is even at the door
IF you absolutely KNEW this was the last day to warn your friends and family would it change how you shared your message???
Paul said, "knowing the terror of the Lord, we persuade (beg, plead)men"
The Lord through His sovereign will has chosen to use "the foolishness of preaching" to reach those who are lost. Jeremiah was called "a weeping prophet" because He proclaimed the message of judgement and repentance with a revelation of what was coming upon his countrymen.
that's the heart of this thread.....

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