Monday, December 6, 2010

No Excuses

GW Nail
We all have an inescapable appointment with death (Hebrews 9:27). Just as surely as we were born we will surely die. It is not pleasant to think about but it is something that will happen to all of us. It is a fact of life. Some of us will be young and some will be old but we will all meet with death. Stroll through any cemetery and note the “from” and “to” dates. We see death on TV in the news and in movies but never a scene that shows where the soul went. This body of flesh will certainly die but our soul will live forever (Revelation 20:12). There is a place called “paradise” where we will go when we die, if…and only if we meet certain criteria (Luke 23:43), so please read on to the end. It would be helpful if you get a Bible (King James Version recommended) and take the time to look up the scripture references as you read this.
In the beginning God created the universe with its galaxies, stars and planets including our world and everything in it (Genesis 1:1 † John 1:3). The greatest of His creation is you and me (Genesis 1:27). Because of His great love for us He also created a paradise (John 14:2, 3) of unimaginable beauty, and happiness to enjoy with Him for all of eternity where there is no pain, sickness, suffering, tears, broken hearts or death (Revelation 21:3, 4). There will be many awe inspiring and wonderful things to see and do and places to go and explore. There will never be a dull moment or any boredom. There will be more excitement than the adrenaline junkie can imagine (1 Corinthians 2:9).
God wants us all to be with Him in His paradise (2 Peter 3:9) but not everyone will go there (Matthew 7:21) because God is Holy (perfectly pure, immaculate and complete in moral character). We are not (Romans 3:23 and 5:12). God can not allow anyone that is not as holy as He is into His paradise because we are contaminated with sin (John 3:3). Sin is self-willed and rebellious thoughts, attitudes and actions against a Holy God (1 Samuel 15:23 † Galatians 5:19-21). Sin is in all of us and leads many to the depths of depravity (Jeremiah 17:9). That is why we see so much violence world wide against men, women and children including rape, robbery, murder just to name a few. Sin is also why we have wars, famine, disease and death (Genesis 6:5, 6). These are just some of the things we must be “saved” from (Matthew 24:22). It is no wonder that God can not allow any sin in His paradise or even in His presence.
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History has proven that we can not save ourselves from self destruction so we must have someone who is able to do it for us (Matthew 24:22); a Savior if you will and since sinful mankind is the problem we must have a sinless Savior or it won’t work.
For those who believe they have no sin (1 John 1:8) and do not need saving, let’s take a little test. If God were to judge whether or not to let you into His paradise based only on your ability to keep His Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1-17) would you be found innocent or guilty?
1) Thou (you) shalt have no other gods before me (example: money, career, education, people, children, or self, false gods and religions, etc.)
2) Thou shalt not make unto thee (yourself) any graven image (example: idols, opinions of what you think God is like, etc.)
3) Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy (your) God in vain (example: using God or Jesus' name as a curse word, falsely professing to be Christian, etc.)
4) Remember the sabbath day to keep it holy (New Testament example: being part of the body of Christ in a local Bible believing church, not thinking our own thoughts or doing our own pleasure on the sabbath, etc.)
5) Honor thy father and thy mother (example: respecting, loving, blessing, obeying your parents; including step and adoptive parents, etc.)
6) Thou shalt not kill (example: murder, abortion, hating others, etc.)
7) Thou shalt not commit adultery (example: sex with someone other than your spouse, sex outside of marriage, looking with lust at someone else, etc.)
8) Thou shalt not steal (example: robbery, taking anything that is not yours - even a paperclip, stealing time from an employer, etc.)
9) Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor (example: telling a lie no matter how small, etc.)
10) Thou shalt not covet (example: to desire that which belongs to someone else, etc.)
God said that if we violate any one of these then we are guilty of them all (James 2:10). Honest people readily admit that they have failed in at least one of these.
So what does this mean? It means that we are all guilty of sin and deserve to be punished. The only just and right punishment for crimes against a Holy God is death (Ezekiel 18:20 † Romans 6:23). God warned the first man what the consequence would be if he sinned (Genesis 2:17). That first sin has since been passed on to every human (Romans 5:12) and has become our very nature.
Some would say that the punishment does not fit the crime but to a Holy God it does. God does not want His perfect paradise infected or contaminated with sin (go back and read what sin is).
So I have sinned…now what? God said that the judgment of death will be executed by casting you into an eternal hell and then later into the lake of fire at the Great White Throne Judgment Day of Almighty God where all will give an account of their life (Revelation 20:11-15).
Some say hell won’t be so bad…after all most of their friends will be there, too. Hey man, it will be a great party…woo-hoo! Not so fast, friend, you have been lied to and made fool of. The devil is laughing at you, too. God said that hell will be horrible with unbearable heat and thirst and torment (Luke 16:19-31). There will be weeping (uncontrolled crying), wailing (loud cries of sorrow), gnashing of teeth (striking the teeth together, as in anger, rage or pain).
The darkness will be so great that it will be felt (Exodus 10:21) and the cries and screams and the stench of the eternal burning flesh of others will be the only way you will know your friends are there. Hell was created for the devil and his angles (Matthew 25:41). People who hate God or just simply reject or ignore His free gift of eternal life will be sent there, too (John 3:18). There will be no second chance or way to change your mind — no amount of begging, crying or pleading with God will get you out of hell. It is a one-way ticket. God is giving you every opportunity to avoid Hell and go to paradise. Only God knows how many opportunities you have left so this is one decision that you do not want to ignore or get wrong.
How do I know any of this is true? After all, isn’t the Bible written by just a bunch of men that don’t have a clue? Aren’t there many ways to God? Not hardly (Matthew 7:13-14 † John 14:6 † Acts 4:10-12). There is more evidence to validate that the scripture is God’s Word to man than there are books to print it in but there is no room here for that (Romans 1). However, consider this, if scripture is wrong and you die, you have lost nothing but if you are wrong then you have lost everything and will suffer for it forever with no hope. Only a fool would say there is no God (Psalm 14:1 and 53:1). For Dying Testimonies Of Saved And Unsaved check this out:
God loves you and me so much that He paid the penalty of sin for us. He came to earth and became a man, Jesus Christ. He took our sin upon Himself and allowed men to horribly execute Him on a cross in our place (John 1:1-14 and 3:16 † 1 Timothy 3:16). No one has to go to hell unless they choose to do so. Every person ever born knows there is a God deep down in their soul however, that can be ignored but it can never be removed. Therefore, there will be no excuses in hell (Romans 1:1-32). God is patient and merciful (2 Peter 3:9) however He will not wait indefinitely for you to come to Him (Genesis 6:3). Romans 1:24, 26, 28 declares that God’s patience and mercy are not without limitations. Three times God said that He will give you up, give you up and give you over. Chances are if you have read this far, His Holy Spirit is still knocking on your hearts door (Revelation 3:20). You don’t know how long your window of opportunity will be open. Now is the time because you do not know if you will live to see another day (2 Corinthians 6:2) or if you will even make it to the end of this sentence before you are standing in the presence of Almighty God (James 4:14). God said that you must be born again which means made alive toward Him by His power (John 3:3-8). The First step toward genuine salvation is that you must realize that you are a sinner (Romans 3:23) and you must understand the seriousness and consequence of your sin (2 Corinthians 7:10). Secondly you must humble yourself and pray (2 Chronicles 7:14) to Jesus Christ asking forgiveness for your sin and accept with appreciation and reverence His selfless sacrificial death on the cross in your place and invite Jesus Christ to take charge of and be the Lord (or boss, master, etc.) of your life and His Holy Spirit will indwell your body which will become His temple (1 Corinthians 6:19). Thirdly you must repent by turning away from your sin and deny yourself the misconceived idea of your right to satisfy your lust of the eyes and the lust of your flesh and the pride of life (1 John 2:15-17). Fourthly you must believe (trust and commit to) that He has done what He said He would do and save you (1 John 1:9) which results in saving faith (Ephesians 2:8, 9).
There are many who have been deceived into thinking that all they need to do is pray a little prayer, keep some rituals or sacraments and they are saved but then they continue living the way they always have. There was no conversion (Acts 3:19). There is no fruit that proves they were truly born again. Their salvation was false and they are still sinners without a Savior which will still land them in hell. Tragically they are often “inoculated” against the truth and seldom come to realize they are not saved. Feelings and experiences do not validate salvation. Even worse is that they can cause others to follow them to destruction. The church is full of false converts (Matthew 7:16-27) that will not enter into God’s heaven but will be cast into the lake of fire. Therefore we are commanded to make sure we are “in the faith” (2 Corinthians 13:5) so you can know that you are a child of God (2 Corinthians 5:17 † 1 John 5:12, 13 † Romans 8:16).
The genuinely born again must obey God’s Words by taking up their cross daily and following Christ by becoming His disciple (disciplined follower and adherent to the doctrines of Christ). This road begins with earnest learning of Him by prayer and reading His Word on a daily basis (1 Peter 2:2). This is how you will find His will and purpose for your life. It is also God’s will that you make restitution, as much as is possible, (Exodus 22:12) which is the act of making good on, or of giving an equivalent for any loss, damage or injury, paying debts and making apologies. This is also a good testimony to those you have wronged. Get a good study Bible. The Authorized King James Version of the Bible is most recommended because it has not been corrupted by men (Revelation 22:18, 19). Furthermore, it is imperative that you connect with God’s people in a God fearing local Bible believing, preaching, teaching and praying church that uses God honoring music so you can begin to grow spiritually (Hebrews 10:25). Not all music honors God. Repetitive chanting and music that stimulates the flesh does not honor God but music that stimulates the spirit and teaches about His character does. The old faithful hymns honor God very well (Ephesians 5:19 † Colossians 3:16). Hypocrites are everywhere so do not be swayed or discouraged by them (Matthew 13:24-30).
Greedy TV preachers and mega-churches should be avoided like the plague because their popular “Health, Wealth and Prosperity” teaching is false and not of God (Matthew 7:15 † 2 Timothy 3:13 and 4:3, 4). Being a Christian is not easy street and does not mean that everything you want in life will be handed to you on a silver platter (James 4:3). The devil will fight back and he will do everything in his power to defeat you and keep you from growing in Christ and being a good and faithful servant of God (Matthew 25:21). Friends and family will likely persecute you (Matthew 5:2-18).
Don’t be fooled by the false teaching of “Your Best Life Now”. If you are in Christ, that is yet to come. There will still be trials to strengthen you, tribulations to sharpen you and pain to temper you but now you have Jesus Christ living in you and He will help you through these things (2 Timothy 3:12 † Romans 5:1 to 5 † James 1:2). He will never leave you or forsake you (Hebrews 13:5). Your battle scars can now be used to help others come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ so be willing to share what God has done for you with others who are perishing (Mark 16:15, 16). The most important thing in life is where you will spend eternity when you die and NOT how much money, stuff or friends you have for in hell you will have nothing (1Timothy 6:7).
It is written in Philippians 2:10, 11 “That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father”.
Even the toughest, strongest, biggest, mightiest, meanest, nastiest, wealthiest and most fearless and powerful of men will cry and weep like little babies as they bow down and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Therefore I encourage you to make Jesus Christ your Lord and not your judge today, right now!
Time is running out. Jesus Christ is due to return to this world at any second and remove His faithful few before His wrath is poured out in judgment on this wicked world. The greatest tribulation this world has EVER seen will be unleashed, so please don’t delay (Matthew 24).
Glory awaits those who love God and look for His return
Not all churches are good so here is a great resource:
Reformers Unanimous is an addictions and discipleship program and can help you find a good church:

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