Sunday, May 29, 2011

Bit by bit........part 1: Television

By Kirk Boswell
I was traveling one day last week on business listening to Matt Friedeman on AFR, when he said something that pierced me to the bone. He was saying how satan creeps into our lives not as a red little man with horns, a pointed tail, and pitch fork, but as someone we like and would consider as a friend. Now don't get me wrong, I already know this, but....have you ever considered just how subtle the enemy can be? Bit by bit he hardens our hearts to the things God hates. Starts off simple really, let me throw out a few examples. Television. Those of us who are truly wise probably threw theirs out the door long ago. For the rest of us, well let's realize that the tv is a direct connection to the pits of hell. Sure, there are a few decent programs, but really, how long can you watch before a viagra or cialis commercial shows up? They bleep out the synonym for feces, but openly allow the Lord's name to be used in vain. Say you're watching a movie, and someone says the gd word, sure you may cringe, but most will continue watching because they have gotten caught up in the show and want to see the ending. What? Is this not the hardening of ones heart? Do we make the excuse that all movies use such language? See my point? I've done it myself and I pray the Lord forgives me for putting my "entertainment" above the absolute reverence of His glorious name. I give you another example of television idolatry, Oprah. After twenty some year's of poisoning people's minds, she is finally done with her show. She was honored for being such a wonderful inspiration to so many people everywhere. Really? She was an open advocate for homosexual marriages, was inspired by the "pregnant man", was in awe of Chaz Bono, promoted numerous books on spiritualism, and publicly denied that Jesus Christ was the only way to Heaven. Yet millions upon millions celebrated her "accomplishments" to surely include many professing Christians. Even the Disney and cartoon channels are in on the deception. Look at the kid's shows on the Disney channel. The Wizards of Waverly Place openly applauds witchcraft as child’s play. Most portray mom and dad (especially dad) as old out of touch clueless imbeciles. Yet we let our kids watch for hours on end. Why is it any wonder they have no respect? Sure they're just kid's shows and I'm way too uptight......I'll let your kid's behavior decide the answer to that for you. There is no need to even touch MTV, as the programming on that channel is nothing short of repulsive. Anyone who would knowingly allow their children or teens to view such trash should be charged with child neglect in this writers opinion. I'm going to end here for now, but there will be much more to come soon. May the Lord bless you all .

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